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“A 10-second Crosscraft advert followed by a VISIT GOZO postcard. Malta, never change.”

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"A 10-second Crosscraft advert followed by a VISIT GOZO postcard. Malta, never change." This was an observation in our #esc chat during the Maltese semi-final on Thursday night. As long-standing viewers of the Maltese preselection, we have come to know and love the...

Eurovision Update: It’s a lot!

Eurovision Update: It’s a lot!

It’s a new year in the Eurovision world, and we’re slowly waking up from our hibernation! Here are the key news items from (deep breath) Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Serbia, Poland, Ireland, Malta, Latvia, Montenegro and Sweden.

SongHunt 2022 – Here are the dates!

SongHunt 2022 – Here are the dates!

It’s time to announce SongHunt 2022! The first chat event and poll launch will take place on Sunday 20 February. Find out everything you need to know, and save the dates in your calendars!

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ChatVote 2022: Qualifiers revealed, final voting begins!

ChatVote 2022 is launched!

It’s the 18th edition of the annual live event in which our chatters pick their favourite song from the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest – here’s everything you need to know about the escgo! ChatVote 2022.

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