Felix casts his eye over the fourth day of rehearsals in concise form. Sometimes you don’t need many words.

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Felix casts his eye over the fourth day of rehearsals in concise form. Sometimes you don’t need many words.
Felix’s daily reviews from Berlin are a thing of the past – because they’re now daily reviews from the host city Lisbon!
It's late in the afternoon, or early in the evening, however you want to define this time of the day, but: We, escgo - I, Felix - have arrived to the bubble! It's my first time with F accreditation, and the only editor from our team on-location, so things will be a...
As Felix anticipates his seventh visit to the Eurovision Song Contest, he looks back on previous adventures – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Friday 22 May, 15:29 As you can see, we are not...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Wednesday 20 May, 14:55 We are live in the hall to...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Tuesday 19 May, 20:35 We're live in the press centre...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Sunday 17 May, 17:57 We're at the Vienna City Hall,...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Saturday 16 May, 10:13 What you see below is just one...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other “Vienna Blog” posts! Friday 15 May, 10:43 We're in the hall for the first...
As part of our live coverage from ESC 2015 by Felix and Martin, our website featured a rolling live blog throughout our time in Vienna, the content of which is reproduced below and in the other "Vienna Blog" posts! Sunday 10 May, 23:58 Vienna calling! MartinF...
(updated 25 May) Måns Zelmerlöw from Sweden has won the 60th Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Heroes", just three years after the country's most recent victory. The winner scored a total of 365 points, followed by Russia on 2nd place (303) and Italy (291). This...
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