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A German in Lisbon: The first full day

A German in Lisbon: The first full day

As anyone who ever lived in Cologne would say: "Et es wie et es, et kütt wie et kütt, un et hätt noch emmer joot jejange." That's Cologne dialect for "It's how it is, it will be like it is, and it has always worked out fine in the end." It's time for me to adopt this...

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A quick update from the arena

A quick update from the arena

Hello from Felix in the Altice Arena! It's this website's first full day in Lisbon, it's the first day of open rehearsals, and… well, let's just say things went a bit differently to how we imagined. So we're adapting to the situation and changing our plan to something...

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escgo! has arrived in Lisbon!

escgo! has arrived in Lisbon!

It's late in the afternoon, or early in the evening, however you want to define this time of the day, but: We, escgo - I, Felix - have arrived to the bubble! It's my first time with F accreditation, and the only editor from our team on-location, so things will be a...

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Lisbon Day 3: The view from Berlin

Lisbon Day 3: The view from Berlin

Tomorrow Felix travels to Lisbon, where he’ll be blogging for us throughout the rest of the ESC weeks! But before that, how did he see day 3 from home base?

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Lisbon Day 2: The view from Berlin

Lisbon Day 2: The view from Berlin

Felix is busy packing his bags for Lisbon – but he’s putting that on hold for a few moments to turn his attention to day 2 of rehearsals at the Altice Arena.

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Lisbon Day 1: The view from Berlin

Lisbon Day 1: The view from Berlin

Felix will be arriving in Lisbon on Wednesday – but until then, he’ll be reviewing events in the host city from his home base of Berlin. Starting with what we learned on day 1!

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