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ChatVote 2022 is launched!

by | Apr 12, 2022 | ChatVote, Eurovision

ChatVote 2022 is launched!

by | Apr 12, 2022 | ChatVote, Eurovision

It’s time for us to launch ChatVote 2022!

As you may know, our legendary chatroom, #esc, has been around for much longer than in its current form. This is illustrated by the fact that this will be the 18th edition of ChatVote, our annual event in which the #esc chatters decide which is their favourite entry from the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest. If you want to read all about the previous 17 editions, check out our comprehensive ChatVote history page!

ChatVote 2022 will follow a familiar pattern to previous years, with two semi-finals and a final – just like in ESC itself.

But we’re keeping the big change we introduced last year. Rather than being automatically qualified, the big five – France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and host country Italy – will have to compete in the ChatVote semi-finals and fight for the right to earn their place in the grand final!

What’s the plan?
On Saturday 16 April and Sunday 17 April, we will gather in #esc to watch each of our semi-finals. Everyone who attends will then be able to vote for their ten favourites, after which the lucky qualifiers will be revealed live in the chat.

Once our qualifiers are known, the jury vote for the ChatVote grand final will be opened. As usual, chat regulars will be invited to submit their jury votes by e-mail (or using the voting form on our website), and there will be a preview event in the chat on Saturday 23 April to help anyone who needs one last reminder of the songs – with a producer-determined running order to help our finalists really shine.

Then, on Sunday 24 April, it’s time for the climax: the traditional voting show! The votes submitted in advance will determine most of the result, and we’ll invite our chatters to take to the stage in turn and present their votes to the assembled crowd. But as an added incentive to attend, we’ll be starting the show with a live “televote-style” poll which we’ll convert into a “supervote” that will be announced after each individual chatter has announced their votes. A little bonus for spending your Sunday night with us and enjoying the show!

So what do I do now?
Simply come and attend our semi-finals if you can and vote your favourites through to the grand final! Our first semi looks like it will overlap slightly with the start of PrePartyES, but if there’s a live stream of that, we’ll surely end up watching it together afterwards.

As usual, the jury voting for the grand final will open after the second semi-final – full instructions will be published then, so no need to e-mail us anything yet. A mini-calendar with all the important dates and times can be found below for your convenience.

And please do add yourself to the Facebook event so we can keep you updated with everything you need to know.

See you in the chat!

ChatVote 2022: Calendar

Saturday 16 April
21:00 CET Semi-final 1
Sunday 17 April 21:00 CET Semi-final 2
Sunday 17 April approx. 23:00 CET Jury voting for the final opens
Saturday 23 April
21:00 CET Final preview viewing in the chat
Saturday 23 April
23:00 CET Jury voting for the final closes
Sunday 24 April
21:00 CET ChatVote 2022: Grand Final

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