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Insta Report Part 1: The five most popular Instagram accounts of this year’s contestants

by | Apr 17, 2021 | 2021 ESC General, Eurovision, Featured

Insta Report Part 1: The five most popular Instagram accounts of this year’s contestants

by | Apr 17, 2021 | 2021 ESC General, Eurovision, Featured

Image sources: Instagram of manizha / maneskinofficial / blascanto_es

Once again, we have checked out all 39 artists of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest on Instagram and picked those 15 accounts that we thought are worth sharing! Today, we’re focusing on the five accounts with the most followers. 


1. Måneskin

Representing: Italy

Instagram account: maneskinofficial

Followers: 1.2 million

By far the biggest number of followers for any Eurovision 2021 act: 1.2 million!

The Italian band can look back on 4 years of active use of the social media platform. Since May 2017 (that’s at least the oldest currently public post), they have fed their followers’ feed with a rich mix of performance captures, video stills and photos of all kinds. 


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Måneskin (@maneskinofficial)

In large parts keeping an aesthetic that reminds of classic paintings, sometimes it’s just about rock’n’roll and life before Coronavirus.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Måneskin (@maneskinofficial)

They prove to be a band that’s neither afraid of colours…


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Måneskin (@maneskinofficial)

nor of showing a bit more skin than your average Eurovision contestant.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Måneskin (@maneskinofficial)

Will the most popular Instagram account also mean a chance for the Eurovision crown? We’ll find out soon!


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Måneskin (@maneskinofficial)

Follow Måneskin on Instagram here!


2. Benny Cristo

Representing: Czech Republic

Instagram account: bennycristo

Followers: 794k

In second place we have Benny Cristo from the Czech Republic – and another very active Instagram account.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ben Cristovao (@bennycristo)

Just like Måneskin, striking colours aren’t a rarity on Benny’s Insta, either, but sometimes, an expressive monochrome shot is just as good.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ben Cristovao (@bennycristo)

No stage diving here, but another nice memory from the world before 2020:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ben Cristovao (@bennycristo)

We like it when a musician’s account isn’t just about their music and promoting their music.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ben Cristovao (@bennycristo)

Not sure what prospect Benny has regarding points in Rotterdam – despite his Insta fame – but at least he had a good enough view here.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ben Cristovao (@bennycristo)

Follow Benny Cristo on Instagram here!


3. Manizha

Representing: Russia

Instagram account: manizha

Followers: 454k

With over 1250 posts, Manizha proves to be more active on Instagram than Måneskin and Benny Cristo put together. 


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von MANIZHA (@manizha)

She shows us a lot of creative shots and examples of her music. But as we all know, she’s also not hiding her positions on one or another topic – as the famous photo below proves, which you probably already have seen somewhere before.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von MANIZHA (@manizha)

She’s also mixing art and body positivity, and the result is just beautiful and earns our respect:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von MANIZHA (@manizha)

What else we love about Manizha? Her sense of humour, for sure, as she’s referring to this (apparently Lithuanian) product:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von MANIZHA (@manizha)

…and then it took us this long, and scrolling down to New Year’s Day 2013, until we saw the first cat pic of any artist so far.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von MANIZHA (@manizha)

Follow Manizha on Instagram here!


4. Blas Cantó

Representing: Spain

Instagram account: blascanto_es

Followers: 370k

Like most other Eurovision entrants, Blas just mixes stills from TV performances, selfies and other photographs. 


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Blas Cantó (@blascanto_es)

On his account, we found a high frequency of Blas making funny faces, not sure what we’re thinking of that, but there’s also his cute dog.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Blas Cantó (@blascanto_es)

Back to Blas, you say? OK, we found a photo in which he’s not making a funny face, hang on…


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Blas Cantó (@blascanto_es)

That’s going in the right direction, isn’t it? 


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Blas Cantó (@blascanto_es)

His song didn’t win our appreciation, but that doesn’t have to be a problem, does it?


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Blas Cantó (@blascanto_es)

Follow Blas Cantó on Instagram here!


5. Stefania

Representing: Greece

Instagram account: stefania_

Followers: 313k

With a pretty mixed gallery, young Stefania made it to over 313,000 followers on Instagram, and is obviously ready for Rotterdam:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Stefania (@stefania_)

Not without surprise, her gallery is not as sophisticated, artistic or adult as the ones we’ve talked about here so far, but sometimes all you need is that dive into a ball pit.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Stefania (@stefania_)

In an older shot, in another time in world history, she’s apparently already ready for the Netherlands – but that’s not a big surprise knowing that she lives in the Netherlands:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Stefania (@stefania_)

…and as a part of that world we used to know, and which we hopefully regain back soon, she’s also not a stranger to open-air performances.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Stefania (@stefania_)

And for a true Greek-Dutch celebrity, a selfie with the Acropolis is a must, right?


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Stefania (@stefania_)

Follow Stefania on Instagram here!


Escgo! on Instagram

After all the praising and judging of other accounts, it also needs to be said that our own little Instagram account is still in a self-discovery process after all those years – but of course you can follow us, too. 

Follow escgo! on Instagram here!

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