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Line-up check 2021: Cyprus

by | Apr 13, 2021 | 2021 reviews, Eurovision

Line-up check 2021: Cyprus

by | Apr 13, 2021 | 2021 reviews, Eurovision

Cyprus: Elena Tsagrinou – El Diablo

Shi: Cyprus’ “El Diablo” gets to be the first of several “didn’t we just hear this song ten minutes ago?” songs of the first semi final – and despite being somewhat of a fan favorite, it’s only one of many reasons why it will struggle to be memorable. 

I’m going to be as unoriginal as this song and make a somewhat obvious point about how this song is very similar to other songs that aren’t competing in this year’s Eurovision, which actually might serve as a case study for how sounding like a worldwide hit doesn’t automatically improve your chances of success. 

Apart from being a pretty weak imitation – and also a clear repetition of the Cypriot formula of recent years, although I guess there’s nothing wrong with that except the lack of variety – the other main reason for this song to struggle and be memorable in this uptempo-heavy semi is the singer, Elena Tsagrinou. As lovely as she is (and she is), stage presence has never been her strongest suit, nor does it sell the sexy femme fatale image that this song requires, which could potentially make this a very uncomfortable three minutes for both her and the viewers at home.

Prediction: Personal:



In a way I hope Shi is right, because I find this entry to be the very definition of “style over substance”, not to mention hugely unoriginal in sound and feel. There’s lots about it that could be presented very effectively though, so I’m not writing it off just yet.

Felix: In theory, this isn’t the worst song this year. But unoriginal? Definitely. Flat like a frozen lake, and mass fabricated like a chocolate egg, just without any surprise in it. Nor taste. My tap water has more character.

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