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Line-up check 2021: Australia

by | Apr 10, 2021 | 2021 reviews, Eurovision

Line-up check 2021: Australia

by | Apr 10, 2021 | 2021 reviews, Eurovision

Australia: Montaigne – Technicolour

Martin: Like the annual clamour to proclaim the Swedish entry as a potential non-qualifier only for it to sail through to the final as usual, a very specific question has occupied the fandom in recent years: Who will be Australia’s first non-qualifier?

Despite winning a national final at home, many felt that Jessica Cerro a.k.a. Montaigne could have been in trouble if the 2020 contest had gone ahead – so it’s to broadcaster SBS’s credit that they’ve selected her directly for another try in 2021 with “Technicolour”, even if means we Europeans did miss out on the fun of watching a preselection at breakfast time again.

I’m reliably informed the song’s genre is “hyperpop” (this must be what it was like for non-rockers to suddenly be confronted with the concept of “screamo” when AWS took part). What that means in practice is a nervous and jittery three minutes that are going to be a big challenge for Montaigne’s performance skills. There are hooks in there – perhaps even a few too many – but delivering them in a joined-up way is another matter. Then again, would she have written it that way if she couldn’t manage it?

Even without judging too much from her mixed-bag Mardi Gras performance, anyway, I do think “Technicolour” represents by far the biggest challenge yet to those tendentially Australia-friendly jurors.

Prediction: Personal:



My initial response to this song was “Wow, I love it – but there’s no way this will work on stage”. That’s pretty much where I am now too, with little less certainty on the latter but more doubts about there being enough people out there who will actively love this song as much as I do. Oh well.

Felix: Once again, this won’t be my favourite Australian entry. It’s not bad, but also not really strong. It’s a bit more edgy and positive than the other female uptempo tracks this year, and these are its strengths compared to its competitors. But that’s not enough to qualify, I’d say.

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