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It’s time for SongHunt 2021!

by | Feb 20, 2021

It’s time for SongHunt 2021!

by | Feb 20, 2021 | Eurovision, Featured, SongHunt

We are delighted to introduce SongHunt 2021 – this year’s edition of our annual quest to find the most robbed losing national final song of the Eurovision season!

We’ve made a few changes this time. Just like the 2021 national final season, our SongHunt is a little more compact – but on the other hand, it’s more glamorous too!

Most notably, our #esc chat community will now play a bigger part, with a regular Sunday night viewing event followed by a vote that will count for 50% of the result. The familiar website poll will count for the other 50% – so if you’re a website reader but not a chatter, you can just stay tuned and vote in the weekly polls here as usual!

SongHunt 2021 will consist of four heats, a chat-only “Last Chance” round, and the grand final. You can see an overview of the format below:

As usual, we have been compiling our “master list” of how the chat voted on each national final show so far. This serves as the basis for qualification for each heat, and you can investigate the list right here! We will also be selecting some wildcards – editors’ choices – to reward those songs that perhaps didn’t get the love we thought they deserved.

The first heat will be launched this Sunday, 21 February, with an event in the chat at 21:00 CET. So be there and support your national final favourites!

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SongHunt 2025 is launched!

SongHunt 2025 is launched!

It’s time for SongHunt 2025! The public polls and chat events are nearly upon us, and there are some changes you’ll want to know about – so read all about it here and save the dates in your calendars!

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SongHunt 2025 is launched!

SongHunt 2025 is launched!

It’s time for SongHunt 2025! The public polls and chat events are nearly upon us, and there are some changes you’ll want to know about – so read all about it here and save the dates in your calendars!

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