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Line-up check 2019: Our views on the first semi-final

by | Apr 16, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Our views on the first semi-final

by | Apr 16, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision, Featured

Have you been keeping up with our line-up check of the ESC 2019 entries? Each song is assigned to one of our team, and once they’ve had their say, the other team members get a brief right of reply. That way you get to see what we all think – and whether we share the same opinions or disagree wildly.

Anyway, don’t worry if you missed a post or two – here’s a round-up of what we had to say about the songs in the first semi-final. Simply click the country name to read the full review!

1. Cyprus
“You’ve got to hand it to the Cypriots for being self-aware enough to call the song ‘Replay’.”

2. Montenegro
“A big night out at the Young Christians’ Summer Camp.”

3. Finland
“The age verification system of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.”

4. Poland
Is it possible to write about Poland 2019 without mentioning Estonia 2004? Oops, too late.”

5. Slovenia
“Difficult to sell on stage when surrounded by all the usual Eurovision cacophony.”

6. Czech Republic
“This and Slovenia are two of the beams you’d get if you fed ‘Kedvesem’ through a prism.”

7. Hungary
“He is so good when it comes to establishing an emotional connection with his audience.”

8. Belarus
“She exudes the kind of fearless confidence only 16-year-olds can have.”

9. Serbia
“Everything about it feels randomly chosen and interchangeable.”

10. Belgium
“A safe candidate for my own personal top five.”

11. Georgia
“Don’t go changing to try and please me, Georgia – I’ll take you just the way you are.”

12. Australia
“When you let Australia hold a national final, you’re reminded that they are part of the Commonwealth.”

13. Iceland
“Wait, Iceland was always about beautiful girls with beautiful songs!”

14. Estonia
“An island of sanity in this half of the semi-final.”

15. Portugal
“A strange man with spoons on his face, warbling randomly over an atonal backing track.”

16. Greece
“A super solid slice of contemporary pop that should appeal to juries and the public in equal measure.”

17. San Marino
“Doesn’t even provide for much entertainment, bar a couple of memes.”

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