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1962: Marking the birth of nul points

by | Jun 9, 2017

1962: Marking the birth of nul points

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Eurovision

1962 – The year when “nul points” appears on the scoreboard for the first time! What took them so long? Nevertheless, four whole countries all score a big fat zero this year, establishing a cult “achievement” that will entertain ESC fans – and the public – for decades to come. One of them is Fud Leclerc, the Valentina Monetta of his day. He finally takes the hint and disappears from the ESC stage after this, his fourth participation. At the right end of the scoreboard, France is the winner for the third time in just seven editions of the contest to date.

The team’s top 3

Germany: Conny Froboess – Zwei Kleine Italiener

Felix: Probably the only song in ESC 1962 that is still somewhat compatible with current listening habits. Also a total evergreen in Germany, as probably everyone above the age of 40 knows it. One might easily mistake the lyrics for naive and romantic, however the subject of the song does have some socio-critical tendencies. Also interesting to see how the pronunciation of German has partially but notably shifted in the last half a century.

Yugoslavia: Lola Novaković – Ne pali svetla u sumrak

Martin: This surely won’t be the last time I select a Yugoslav song in one of these posts, but their 1962 entry tends to be largely forgotten among fans, and I think that’s a shame. The music and Lola’s smoky voice really conjure up the twilight scene described in the lyrics, just two lovers and the dwindling light of their cigarettes. I even like the live orchestration, which is brimming with nice touches without ever being drowned by them. Some of the juries clearly had a soft spot for the song too, as it managed to share fourth place in the voting.

France: Isabelle Aubret – Un premier amour

Shi: It doesn’t get less original than having a contest winner as your favorite, but in my defense, when I first heard all the songs of 1962 this one was the only song I liked instantly without having realized it was the eventual winner. Subsequent repeat listening and viewing of that year have added the exact two picks of Martin and Felix to my list of favorites, but this one – which to this day sounds to me like it was plucked right out of a movie – will always be my first love of 1962.

How do you like ESC 1962? Give us your stars!

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