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SongHunt 2017: Introducing the Last Chance Poll

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Eurovision

SongHunt 2017: Introducing the Last Chance Poll

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Eurovision

This is the Last Chance poll for SongHunt 2017!

If you have already read the rules, you can also jump directly to the poll.

In addition to the usual method of determining the participants based on votes in our chat, each of the eight heats of SongHunt 2017 will include the current two most popular songs from this rolling poll, i.e. the songs with the most cumulative votes in the Last Chance poll when the new SongHunt heat is created.

You don’t just vote, you also create the poll – here’s how it works!

Every day starting from now, you can

either vote for a song you love that’s already listed in the Last Chance poll…

…or suggest a new entry that you want to give a Last Chance.

To nominate a new entry, simply go to the poll, check the box next to the “New nomination:” field and enter your suggested title and country name, then hit the “Vote!” button. Your suggestion must be a song from the current Eurovision national final season that has been eliminated from its respective national selection process, i.e. that is SongHunt-eligible, and that hasn’t taken part in a SongHunt heat yet.

If your nomination is clear and valid, we will manually add it to the existing entries in the poll (including your initial vote for it). Then you can keep supporting it by voting for it on subsequent days – or suggest another song, and another… It’s up to you!

Every Sunday, we will remove the two songs with the highest votes from the Last Chance poll and add them to the new SongHunt heat, where they will compete alongside the entries that qualified in the usual way.

The poll will remain open until Sunday 19 March, i.e. the date on which the last two entries will qualify for the final SongHunt heat, meaning that new suggestions can be submitted until Saturday 18 March.

In short: You have one vote per day in the Last Chance poll, and you can vote for your own nomination or for an entry that is already in the poll.

That’s all you need to know – now it’s over to you!


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