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Euphoria: Sweden wins ESC 2012

by | May 27, 2012 | 2012 ESC General, escgo at Eurovision, Uncategorized

Euphoria: Sweden wins ESC 2012

by | May 27, 2012 | 2012 ESC General, escgo at Eurovision, Uncategorized

Congratulations to Sweden!

Europe went euphoric as Loreen won the 57th Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan.

She got a total of 372 points, 365 more than the other extreme of the scoreboard – which was occupied by Norway. The winner’s closest neighbour and its singer Tooji only got 7 points, the worst Norwegian result in the final since 2004.

Sweden is now equal with Luxembourg, France and the UK, each of whom have claimed 5 ESC victories.

For the second time (after Germany 2010), our ChatVote winner was the same as the actual winner.

Our editors’ “consensus prediction” proved to be successful once more, with our forecast winner Sweden actually taking the title, and the four top 10 entries we agreed on all ending up in the real top 10. However, we were wrong about Lithuania landing in the bottom 3 – Donny Montell reached a respectable 14th place, representing the country’s best result since 2006.

That’s all for now, anyway – an in-depth voting analysis will follow in the next few days.

In the meantime, watch Loreen’s victory once more!

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