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Flags conquering Düsseldorf / predictions for semi 2

by | May 12, 2011 | 2011 Düsseldorf Blog, escgo at Eurovision, Uncategorized

Flags conquering Düsseldorf / predictions for semi 2

by | May 12, 2011 | 2011 Düsseldorf Blog, escgo at Eurovision, Uncategorized


Before I’m talking about flags and predictions, a few words have to be said about yesterday’s Euroclub. It was packed, and the DJ from Malta was a disgrace for the place, as he kept playing the same songs over and over again. Even more, he talked constantly over the songs and asked people to clap their hands and to make some noise, you get the picture.

Common sense was that this DJ should be excluded from any Eurovision party in the future.

Now today, the Eurovision vibe now clearly arrived in Düsseldorf. More and more people with flags can be spotted around the corner, and definitely on Ratinger Straße, the pub street where Euroclub is located on. Today, there was a meetup of fans from Australia, and Paradise Oskar was having a meet & greet with his fans.

Lots of tv reporters were there too, to cover the fan vibe just hours before the 2nd semifinal begins.

If you didn’t manage yet to buy all the flags that you need, try “Filou” shop on Flinger Straße. They don’t have them all, but you might be lucky to get what you need for a reasonable price, along to Eurovision music from the speakers.

For example a flag of the size of the danish flag in this picture costs 5 Euros, a small handy one costs 2 Euros.

Austrian flags are sold out at the moment, the best selling ones according to the shop assistant are the flags from the United Kingdom and Germany.

The shop is located on Flinger Straße, close to Heinrich-Heine-Platz.
I myself, I’m well prepared for Semi 2 with my big irish flag, and here’s my prediction for tonight about who’s gonna qualify:

Denmark, Ireland, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Austria, Slovenia, Estonia, Ukraine, Sweden, Israel.

Let’s see if accreditation is needed to get more matches in predictions 😉

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