Iceland: Daði & Gagnamagnið – 10 Years
Felix: I know there was a hype around Iceland last year, but I don’t know much more, because I had to take a year off most things Eurovision for personal reasons. 2020 was then, 2021 is now, and apparently there is no hype around Iceland this year.
Am I surprised? Not at all. “10 Years” could just as well be from a Latvian Supernova semi-final from around 2015. It’s not horrible, it’s not totally unpleasant, but nothing triggers my “like” reflexes. I get the feeling that 2020 fans will either say “oh, disappointing” – or “they are stars already, so they must do well.” Whereas fans like me with a lack of 2020 knowledge will probably all say “whatever the hype last year was about, this is nothing”. And that’s probably the closest to what the common viewer will think, too.
“10 Years” is a weak song, and the quirky moves and synthesizer gimmicks don’t make up for this. However, the fact that it is so different to anything else in this year’s field could also mean a few votes for Iceland. The moves could generate some votes, too. But all in all, my verdict is unforgiving: Bad song, NQ.
Prediction: | Personal: |
😩 |
Martin: Oof, that NQ prediction is a bold one! I actually quite like “10 Years” as a song, and I think there’s enough residual love for Daði to see it safely through its semi and into the final top 10. Lightning may not strike twice, but no one ever went broke giving people what they want.
Shi: I like both this and last year’s entries, but the problem is this: his music tends to be samey samey, and last year’s entry was his own exception to the rule, when he somehow managed to make it a bit extra charming, catchier and more immediate than what he normally does.
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