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This Monday: Semi 1 in Albania

by | Dec 26, 2011 | Uncategorized

This Monday: Semi 1 in Albania

by | Dec 26, 2011 | Uncategorized

Festivali i Këngës” is celebrating its 50th edition this year, and this time it will go over four consecutive nights. The event begins with today’s show, the first semi final out of two. Tonight, eight out of 14 songs will qualify to the final on Thursday, semi 2 will take place tomorrow.

Festivali i Këngës was established in 1962, it functions as the Albanian Final for the ESC since 2003. Wednesday’s show will be a special with many former winning songs.

This Monday
(all times CET)

20:30* Albania, semi final 1/2
Festivali i Këngës 50
TV: TVSH (website)
stream: here (click on the tvsh logo)or here / official website* note:

satellite and connected streams begin ca. 15 minutes later

Radio: Radio Tirana (radio stream)
  1. Gerta Mahmutaj – Pyete zemrën
  2. Entela Zhula – Ndjehem Bosh
  3. Bashkim Alibali – Këngën time merr vehtë
  4. Samanta Karavello – Zgjomë një tjetër ëndërr
  5. Endri dhe Stefi Prifti – Iluzion
  6. Rona Nishliu – Suus
  7. Rudina Delia – Më kërko
  8. Marjeta Billo -Vlen sa një jetë
  9. Claudio La Regina – Kur të pasha
  10. Hercina Matmuja – Aty ku më le
  11. Orinda Huta – Dorëzohem
  12. Altin Goci – Kthehem prap
  13. Elton Deda – Kristal
  14. Evans Rama – Ti nuk mundesh

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