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SongHunt 2023 – The Final

by | Mar 19, 2023 | Eurovision, Featured, SongHunt

SongHunt 2023 – The Final

by | Mar 19, 2023 | Eurovision, Featured, SongHunt | 1 comment

It’s time for the grand final of SongHunt 2023!

We’ve held four semi-finals and a Last Chance round, and we’ve now arrived at the 15 most robbed songs of the Eurovision national final season. But what’s the one song that really should have gone to ESC 2023? Your votes will help us to answer that question.

Your task is simple: You have three votes to give to your favourite songs! As a special rule for the grand final, you can vote more than once during the voting period – but the poll is restricted so you can only vote once every 24 hours. So make sure to keep coming back again, whether it’s to support your big favourites or to spread your love around between lots of songs!

There’s a playlist of all 15 songs below the poll in case you need a reminder. And if you want to find out against which other songs our finalists have succeeded, you can click to read the full results overview.

The poll on our website counts for 50% of the final result and closes at 21:00 CEST on Wednesday 29 March. We’ll then gather in our chat on the evening of Sunday 2 April to watch the finalists together and cast the votes that will make up the remaining 50%. And at the end of this chat event, we will crown the winner of SongHunt 2023!

But first, it’s over to you to decide the results of the public poll. Vote now, and remember that you’ll be able to vote again after 24 hours have passed, so keep coming back to really make your taste count!

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1 Comment

  1. D

    Umm what about Andreea D from Romania? The biggest robbery this season.

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