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A coffee and a column: Where are we now?

by | May 13, 2022 | 2022 Home Blog, Eurovision

A coffee and a column: Where are we now?

by | May 13, 2022 | 2022 Home Blog, Eurovision


Good morning, Eurovision!

Yes, I intended to write this column more often, but real life really is an attention queen and dragged me away from Eurovision lately.

So, what happened?

I left my blogging desk in the “drama phase”, and I’m quite glad I didn’t get to blog about the dramas that were previously unmentioned from me here. Let it stay this way. I sadly also missed my personal highlight during most Eurovision events, the turquoise carpet, and somehow everything went so fast – and the semi-finals arrived.

There have been years when I was very disappointed by some of the non-qualifications (blackbirds remind me on a daily basis), but this year, I’m really happy with the outcome. It was the triumph of native languages. Hello, Lithuanian, Icelandic, Dutch! We haven’t met in a long time, and I’m happy that it’s these beautiful songs which bring those languages back to the Eurovision stage.

After the semi last night, a small crowd stayed in the chat and waited for the revelation of the final running order. We obviously speculated a lot – until 2:20 CEST – and were then quite surprised by some of the positions in the draw. Romania on 2nd is a bit sad for me, but I guess it helps to get the party continued after the Czech Republic. Portugal is a bit early too, Estonia a bit late. And my neighbour just started to mow his lawn, so where are you now, focus…

Who wins?

This isn’t a prediction yet (I will work on that one later), but just a premonition of my prediction. Spoiler: It won’t be easy. I can already reveal that there’s one entry that is big for the fan crowd and rather big for the bookmakers, but fell into my “I don’t get it” box, and so I will probably leave it out of my prophecy. I’d say I’m decent, but not great in predicting, with my respective 7/10 and 8/10 this year, and of course I will surely assign winning chances to a country that has absolutely no chance of winning. And I’ll miss something obvious.

What’s left to say for today?

The lack of backing singers is more obvious this year, and the gap between stage and audience is a bit too big for my taste, so both facts result in “something’s missing”. Eurovision feels different this year. And the background music while the hosts are talking… is that really necessary? But on a more positive note, we have a real good mix in the final. Languages, styles, flavours. Weird stage shows, sad numbers, party songs.

It’s gonna be good.

My neighbour stopped mowing the lawn finally. My coffee is getting cold.

Happy last day before the final,


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