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Eurovision 2021: The stage is set

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Eurovision, Featured

Eurovision 2021: The stage is set

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Eurovision, Featured

They’re working hard at the Ahoy Arena in Rotterdam, the venue for the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. Want the proof? The stage for this year’s event is now largely complete and ready for the stand-in rehearsals to begin!

The doors are being opened to the press today, and King Willem-Alexander has also paid a visit!

Meanwhile, @songfestival.avrotros – “the official Instagram of the Dutch delegation and host country of the Eurovision Song Contest 2021” – shared its own first glimpse of the stage:

As promised, in the absence of fans, the floor of the arena is being used for an extended green room for the participating delegations. That seems like a great way of filling up the space and making the arena look a little less empty if no public audience is permitted (though it is still hoped that a few thousand local fans might be allowed in too). The only minor concern: with the booths being well spread out, the hosts on green room duty will get a good workout as they sprint from delegation to delegation!

Behind-the-scenes insights into the technical preparations for the contest have become an established highlight of the Eurovision experience, and this year another Instagram account – @teamesc2021 – is delivering on that side of things. Like this cute insight, which could almost have come from DoReDos’ performance in 2018…

And, of course, the official Eurovision YouTube channel wlll undoubtedly be following up this video with more reports on the physical preparations for ESC 2021 as they continue:

Are you getting excited? Because we are. There will be an actual Eurovision Song Contest this year – even if some artists, like Montaigne, will have to use their live-on-tape performances due to sadly being unable to attend – and that’s something we can all celebrate!

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