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Insta report: The artists of Eurovision 2019

by | May 6, 2019

Insta report: The artists of Eurovision 2019

by | May 6, 2019 | 2019 ESC General, Eurovision, Featured

Let’s get visual!

If you’re an active Instagram user but you haven’t checked out the artists of Eurovision 2019 yet, this post might help you discover some of the more interesting accounts and specific posts. And if you aren’t on Instagram yet, maybe this will get you into a new hobby…. or should we say “obsession”?

We’ve browsed the digital-visual homes of our Eurovision class of 2019 so that you don’t have to – and we thought these more or less recent photos were worth sharing:


Duncan has one of the more artistic Instagram galleries, mixing performance captures and more stylish photos of himself.

Looking at the Insta galleries of various Eurovision entrants, one can’t deny that some are more artistic, some less so, and some are just plain cheap and uninspired. This post won’t waste your time with the latter ones. Of course, some accounts are a mixed bag, with some more or less good pics. Miki, for example, belongs to that category. But we liked this photo from his Insta:


Speaking of visually appealing and artistic accounts, our favourite here was Slovenia. The intimate connection between Zala and Gasper isn’t only tangible on the Tel Aviv stage, it also shines through in their many beautiful Instagram photos, all holding a subtle, reserved charm.


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Šla bova gledat velike valove 🌊

A post shared by Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl (@zalagasper) on

What else did we stumble across on our search?

There’s KEiiNO channeling Ketil Stokkan at Brandenburger Tor…


Mahmood channeling Conan Osiris…


…and, well… no comment.


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The shameful and the shameless.

A post shared by HATARI (@hatari_official) on

Meanwhile, Lake Malawi have a new friend – it’s the beach of Tel Aviv. The Czech guys’ Instagram is one of the better ones, mixing snapshots of their lives as musicians and some stunning quality photos. Their page reflects them well in being authentic, dynamic and lighthearted.


Chingiz’s gallery feels more the opposite, with many dark and heavy photos, especially the ones in greyscales – but we loved this striking one:


Jonida from Albania delivers the contrasting colours here:


…and of course, something like this must not be missing when we do an Insta report:


As you can see, a wide palette of content awaits you if you choose to check out the Instagram profiles of the Eurovision 2019 artists.

And don’t forget we’re on Instagram too! You can find us as @escgo on – content from Tel Aviv will be arriving as Shi continues her blogging journey there, so give us a follow if you like 😉

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