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Line-up check 2019: Our views on the automatic finalists

by | May 2, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Our views on the automatic finalists

by | May 2, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision, Featured

Have you been keeping up with our line-up check of the ESC 2019 entries? Each song is assigned to one of our team, and once they’ve had their say, the other team members get a brief right of reply. That way you get to see what we all think – and whether we share the same opinions or disagree wildly.

We’ve given you our views on the first and second semi-finals, and now here’s a round-up of what we had to say about the songs that are automatically qualified for the final. Simply click the country name to read the full review!

“An example of how to mash native language and English in a way that really drives home the message of the song.”

“I don’t have enough realistic non-Germany options to fill the bottom five spots.”

“It’s boring by definition, but I still find musical qualities in it.”

“I expect the juries to fall big for this contemporary and relevant song with several incisive musical hooks.”

“The positivity stands out this year like a skyscraper in Antarctica.”

United Kingdom
“It all adds up to yet another of ‘those’ years for the UK and the BBC.”

all images from

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SongHunt 2025 is launched!

It’s time for SongHunt 2025! The public polls and chat events are nearly upon us, and there are some changes you’ll want to know about – so read all about it here and save the dates in your calendars!

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