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Line-up check 2019: Germany

by | Apr 30, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Germany

by | Apr 30, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Germany: S!sters – Sister

Shi: Every year I have that one song where I like the performer so much I really want to believe they could somehow not finish in the bottom 3 with 4.75 points (but secretly know in my heart that there’s no chance of this happening), and this year is no different.

After accidentally finishing fourth last year (let’s not talk about this), Germany promptly returned to what they have been doing so faithfully since 2014: sending a sympathetic female act with a perfectly pleasant tune that has very little chance of being anyone’s televote choice when you have, well, all the other songs to choose from. The song does have its lovers – I’m looking at you, Felix. But sadly for the Sisters – no, I’m not cooperating with that ! instead of I thing and I don’t care if that’s your official name, sorry, girls – Felix can’t vote for Germany from Germany, so they are still on the lookout for televoters.

Their great harmonies might have some pull with the juries, but it’s not like they don’t have enough options. And when I remember that there’s room in the bottom five for five songs (yes, I’m very good at math), I don’t have enough realistic non-Germany options to fill those spots. Especially since, if the national final is anything to go by, we have another Levina-style perfect monochromatic staging just waiting to happen.

Prediction: Personal:


Felix: Fans, may I pass you a mirror?

Chat, 22 February, 20:41 CET: Aly Ryan gets an average score of 6.83/10.
Chat, same day, 21:23 CET: S!sters get an average score of 6.78/10.
Chat, about an hour later: “bottom 3 for Germany” / “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?” / “Omg this is so shit”

This explains everything about how the community changes its mind from one second to the other, just to keep aligned with the loudest opinion. May I deviate? It’s the best German entry in ages, by far, and I stand behind my country’s choice like hardly ever before. If there’s one song I LOVE in ESC 2019, then it’s “Sister”.

And you, you’re all drunk. Go home.

Martin: It’s… fine?

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