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Line-up check 2019: Azerbaijan

by | Apr 29, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Azerbaijan

by | Apr 29, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Azerbaijan: Chingiz – Truth

Shi: I have a complicated relationship with Azerbaijani entries. On one hand, they almost always use foreign writers and have their artists ditch their usual style in favor of a Eurovision-tailored track they wouldn’t otherwise perform. On the other hand, they often pick really good tracks, which is something that’s hard to resent in the context of a song contest.

This year’s entry is a catchy, upbeat and modern pop track with a light, but effective, oriental sound, which is right up my alley. Chingiz has a great, warm voice and comes across as equally warm and approachable. But the song’s content feels at odds with his personality, and the style of the track doesn’t fit with his mannerisms.

Chingiz is actually credited as co-composer – the first artist since Arash to be credited, so one can only hope he had enough input to feel comfortable with this change in style. And you can always trust Azerbaijan to deliver an interesting visual performance (with differing degrees of success, but that’s another matter). “Truth” has a great draw, and even after last year’s mishap you wouldn’t bet against it qualifying, but how it will do in the final is really up to the yet unknown factor of how well the song and performer gel together.

Prediction: Personal:


Martin: Every year has a song to which I take an irrational dislike, and this year it’s Azerbaijan. I get that it’s a professional production, but I just find it drags on and on with little end product, and male falsetto vocals masquerading as technique are never going to be my thing so even the chorus fails to deliver. Next!

Felix: This year, Azerbaijan sounds fresh and more alternative than it really is. I like it! Totally a track I’d listen to outside of Eurovision. This one does get a bit tired after a few listens, but it’s still catchy. I’m curious how they will stage it.

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