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Line-up check 2019: Norway

by | Apr 27, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Norway

by | Apr 27, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Norway: KEiiNO – Spirit In The Sky

Felix: I like non-aggressive pop. I like joiking. I like groups in Eurovision. I like the chorus of Finland 2018. I like all the ingredients that make up Norway 2019. I just don’t like the dish that is created as a result. What happened here?

Maybe, first of all, Saara Aalto should never have taken “Monsters” to Eurovision. Not because I wanted Saara with a better song. Nope, I would have wanted “Monsters” with a different artist. Now we kinda get that, and the idea behind the chorus, which I really really like, gets ruined for me a second time.

But back to the matter of ingredients.

Before I woke up this morning, I dreamt I blended cucumber, apple syrup and honey in a wok – for breakfast. I must have had Norway on my mind already while dreaming this! Again, I love joik. Do I like this particular joik, by this particular… joiker? No, ugh. That’s the cucumber. Do I like female-sung, positive Europop hooks? I tend to do so, but there are exceptions. This is a very poor example, and I don’t like apples if they’re bad apples. Do I like Tom Hugo? Absolutely – his MGP song “Det er du” is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard in a national final. But honey, you don’t fit here. Honey just doesn’t go well with some other ingredients.

So cucumber, apple syrup and honey all meet in that Norway 2019 wok. And when you eat it, Saara Aalto’s face appears at the bottom of the pan. What’s not to dislike? Still, there are many worse entries at Eurovision this year – but I’m not a friend of “Spirit In The Sky”, and I think it could even do a “Vampires Are Alive” and struggle with qualification.

Prediction: Personal:


Martin: I’m torn on this one. It’s not really my thing, the MGP performance gave me worrying “Verona” vibes (minimal energy + zero chemistry) and – with all respect to the culture – the joiking comes across like a silly parody here. And yet: if it all clicks in Tel Aviv, there’s always a market for obvious trash (hi, Rasmussen!). So who knows…

Shi: It’s a mishmash of elements which essentially sounds like a tribute to some of the Nordics’ trashiest entries, which means I should hate it. And yet I don’t, because they are adorable and it’s a catchy guilty pleasure sort of thing. Which also means it can end up anywhere between a NQ and a top ten. Not helpful, Norway.

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