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Line-up check 2019: Netherlands

by | Apr 27, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Netherlands

by | Apr 27, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision | 1 comment

Netherlands: Duncan Laurence – Arcade

Martin: The bookmakers’ favourite. The fan hype of the year.

And it’s from the Netherlands.

Whatever happens in Tel Aviv, I suppose this is the logical and pleasing conclusion to the Dutch revival that began with handing the reins to Anouk in 2013. Sure, the Common Linnets finished second the following year, but very few people saw that one coming (although we weren’t far off!). It’s a measure of the confidence that has returned to the Dutch selection process since the dark days of 2005-2012 that it feels completely normal that Duncan Laurence should go into rehearsals as the big favourite to win this year.

And why not? “Arcade” is clearly one of the strongest songs in the 2019 line-up, with a soaring hook that grabs you from the first listen and a simple honesty that goes against the usual ESC flow. We’re familiar enough with the song now that it’s easy to forget what an initial impact it can make.

The word “can” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence, though, because I’m yet to be wholly convinced by Duncan as a performer. “Arcade” may not be a song for hysterical gestures, but I’d like to see some personality from him, and I worry if he has the experience to deliver those tough notes with the ice-cold nerves required.

Even if he doesn’t win, a result like recent pre-rehearsal favourites Aram Mp3 and Francesco Gabbani should be achievable no matter what. I just hope that doesn’t feel like a disappointment for the newly confident Dutch.

Prediction: Personal:


Shi: My #2 this year and my favorite Dutch entry in ages, but I have similar doubts. While I did emotionally connect with Duncan’s performances so far, he is an introverted sort of artist – and it’s one thing to connect with a performance when it’s the only one you just happened to watch, and quite another thing when it’s part of a full Eurovision line-up.

Felix: An average song in 2019, and an average song for the Netherlands, and everybody thinks it will win? Just because he’s naked in the video? It’s decent, he’s decent, but nothing about it is outstanding or obviously winning for me. I preferred the Common Linnets. Or Joan Franka.

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1 Comment

  1. Stephen M

    It is my absolute personal favourite this year by a mile and I hope the Netherlands get the win they deserve. I’d love to see the Netherlands host for two reasons. 1 it would be nice to have Eurovision in a country that is unlikely to attract any political drama 2. The postcards would be amazing. Unfortunately I fear that this year is going to be Russia’s, and the potential political fallout from a Russian victory would be immense.

1 Comment

  1. Stephen M

    It is my absolute personal favourite this year by a mile and I hope the Netherlands get the win they deserve. I’d love to see the Netherlands host for two reasons. 1 it would be nice to have Eurovision in a country that is unlikely to attract any political drama 2. The postcards would be amazing. Unfortunately I fear that this year is going to be Russia’s, and the potential political fallout from a Russian victory would be immense.

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