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Line-up check 2019: Latvia

by | Apr 20, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Latvia

by | Apr 20, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Latvia: Carousel – That Night

Felix: I feel a bit tortured. Once again, I have to write a review about a song that I have no memory of. What I remember is that Latvia vaguely reminds me of the massively underrated “A Century of Love“, one of Moldova’s most underestimated Eurovision pearls. The difference is that Greta Burlacu’s piece was [alert: subjectivity] memorable, full of musical playfulness, charming and enchanting [/alert], while Carousel’s entry is way too plain to trigger interest.

But OK, let’s listen again, maybe I missed something? One minute in, more memories appear: It’s indeed as repetitive as a carousel. A plain old merry-go-round. Round and round, where are you, round and round, I need you, bla bla bla. Moldova 2008, however, was an exciting ride with complex spins, twists and turns, taking you on a much more delightful ride. Sure, no thrills, no loop-the-loops, but a whole lot more fun than ahahahahaha, where are you, ahahahahaha, I need you, ahahahaha, BORING.

So, the thing is, this will have an audience. There will be people who like it. Even more than “A Century of Love”. How many though? Two? Three? Latvia can do better, Latvia has done better, and Latvia will do better again than this year.

Prediction: Personal:


Shi: That audience of which Felix speaks of in his last paragraph? That’s me. That’s absolutely me. I adore this song to bits. I’m also very much aware it will pass by 99% of the viewers and no one except me will ever remember this song happened.

Martin: In theory I should be part of the audience too, but this just passes me by, unlike its calm and introspective counterpart in the same draw in the first semi-final. Could be our last-placer, I’m afraid to say.

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