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Line-up check 2019: San Marino

by | Apr 16, 2019

Line-up check 2019: San Marino

by | Apr 16, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

San Marino: Serhat – Say Na Na Na

Shi: Why do we need San Marino in Eurovision? I have no clue. I don’t even know what their motivation to keep participating is, unless there are some top secret Sammarinese government documents somewhere showing a correlation between the annual 3 minutes (and the rare 6) and an increase in tourism. Who knows. Still: every year, they return just so they can – literally – add nothing to the line-up.

Serhat seems to have some odd cult following among Eurovision fans for whatever reason, but seriously: While he comes across as a nice person, he’s not really a singer. And yes, I suppose talking is also a kind of performing art, but it’s not like his speaking voice helps matters.

The thing about “Say Na Na Na” is that it’s not even particularly bad by San Marino standards, which is even more proof that there’s absolutely no need for us to ever see them in ESC again. Their adoration for outdated pop songs combined with how much they insist on taking this whole thing seriously doesn’t even provide for much entertainment, bar a couple of memes. They came, they saw, they left us on a Wednesday.

Prediction: Personal:


Martin: My first reaction when Serhat was announced again was a gigantic eye-roll. My first reaction to the song was a hiccup of joyous laughter. The fun factor wears off very quickly, but during the first encounter, those three minutes deliver exactly what they intend to. Enough for qualification? I assume not, but you never know.

Felix: I am so thankful to have San Marino in Eurovision. Year after year, they manage to occupy a very special place in my heart. And this year is no different because whether it’s Serhat. Valentina, robots, Serhat, Valentina, Jessika, Valentina, Serhat… anything works. I’m a San Marino fan. <3 THANK YOU.

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