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Line-up check 2019: Iceland

by | Apr 15, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Iceland

by | Apr 15, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Iceland: Hatari – Hatrið mun sigra

Felix: 3 times 3 minutes is 9 minutes. Add a bit of postcards and potential darkroom (oh sorry, greenroom) gossip, and we’re at approximately 12 minutes that I can spend on more pleasant things, like, say, shaving. Or watering my plants. Or taking out the trash.

12 minutes, that’s the amount of lifetime that Georgia, Australia and Iceland are donating to me this year. These three achieve a phenomenal average score of 0.7 out of 10 on my personal 2019 list. So why would I want to spend the duration of their combined awfulness in front of a machine that delivers that into my acoustic and visual reception area? WHY?

I know, can we please focus on Hatari finally? No. No we can’t. Because exceptional entries require exceptional reviews. Give me a break and let me sway to “Þá veistu svarið” for a moment… just as mum commented on Hatari’s preview video: “Wait, Iceland was always about beautiful girls with beautiful songs!” – maybe not always, but OK. Now. On to Iceland 2019.

Well, it’s probably the “best” of this aforementioned terrible threesome alongside Georgia and Australia. It does have a few good musical moments. However, the other 99% of it is just gruesome..

Prediction: Personal:


Shi: I don’t understand Felix’s problem, really. 12 minutes smack in the middle of the semi? Perfect time for both a bathroom and kitchen break! Also, I don’t really mind this song. I don’t really love it either. But I’m kind of glad it’s here, for variety’s sake and all that. Should do OK, although probably not as OK as many are predicting. We’ll see.

Martin: I’m always a bit more critical of ESC songs that are from a genre I’d also listen to outside ESC, and this is no exception. I like what Hatari are doing here, I just wish it was a bit… better? Still, I assume it’ll have its audience even among all the semi 1 weirdness.

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