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Line-up check 2019: Estonia

by | Apr 15, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Estonia

by | Apr 15, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Estonia: Victor Crone – Storm

Shi: When looking at our escgo! list to see which country was assigned to whom, my eyes skipped from Iceland to Portugal. Only later did I realize I was missing an entry somewhere.

It didn’t surprise me to find out it was Estonia – a perfectly pleasant, competently performed, mainstream tune so generic it makes the task of remembering it after it ends pretty impossible. And that’s before we get to the fact it has to follow Iceland and precede Portugal in the running order.

“Storm” does also feel like an island of sanity in this half of the semi-final, but I suspect that the sandwich position it occupies here could mean it goes fairly unnoticed, at least on the televote side. Although the competent performer in question also has a face that is very nice to look at, so he might get an extra televote boost after all.

But while running order isn’t everything, I do feel this is one of the cases where it will have some impact on the result, and that Estonia will need a lot of jury help – which it might get, given the song’s aforementioned contemporary and competent traits – to make it through.

Prediction: Personal:


Martin: Oh look, I’m sorry but I just don’t care. This is fine, but it’s so “fine and nothing more” that I find myself actively annoyed at it for wasting my time.

Felix: A charismatic Swedish singer and a talented Estonian songwriter meet, and the result is the definition of unspectacular. It’s probably the most regular pop tune in this semi – nice to hear, nice to look at, but so offensively flat that it hurts. I preferred Victor with Behrang, and Stig with Elina.

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