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Line-up check 2019: Serbia

by | Apr 11, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Serbia

by | Apr 11, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Serbia: Nevena Božović – Kruna

Felix: Serbia must be one of this year’s palest entries. It always takes me a while to remember how it goes. And when I either remember or I find myself listening to it, I do like it quite a bit – just never enough.

It has a hint of a classic Eurovision female Balkan ballad about it, but unfortunately not much of a melody. Everything about it feels randomly chosen and interchangeable, including the singer. I actually get a bit of The Humans vibe from it. Not so much from the song itself, but the overall paleness. And that’s not a great sign.

What more to say about an entry that is completely uninteresting? Probably nothing, but I should at least get past 100 words. Serbia, you had much better options in your final.

Prediction: Personal:


Martin: Totally agree on the options – Jana Šušteršič was eternally robbed. That’s one of the reasons I can’t quite forgive “Kruna”, even if I’m probably more fond of it than Felix. But I have the same problem: I enjoy it well enough when it’s on, but could I hum you the melody now? Nope.

Shi: An average female ballad at best, and not even that in the Balkan ballad territory. However, stats show it is almost impossible to be a pretty girl singing a sort-of-pretty-ballad prettily and not qualify, so there’s that.

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