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Line-up check 2019: Poland

by | Apr 7, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Poland

by | Apr 7, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Poland: Tulia – Fire Of Love (Pali się)

Felix: Is it possible to write about Poland 2019 without mentioning Estonia 2004? Oops, too late.

Sure, that comparison is prominent only because I’ve just listed the number of songs we’ve had in that style in Eurovision: Two. And taking a closer look, we find that the songs are actually quite different. So that’s where I’ll stop with the comparison and focus solely on Poland 2019 instead.

By being bulky at first, the song is prone to develop a skip-habit on the listener’s side, but on second listening, I have to say I find it’s not all bad. There are a few nice touches here and there, melodic oddities, interesting moments – but over the length of three minutes, it’s quite an exhausting acoustic challenge.

A lot will depend on the staging and the ladies’ live performance. But I wouldn’t add this to my playlist, and I do wonder whether any staging could actually cause a vote in favour of Poland.

Prediction: Personal:


Shi: On repeat listenings I find that I enjoy this more, but for the audience to get a repeat listen you need to convince them in the semi first, and I don’t think it really works the first time around. Or even the second, to be honest.

Martin: Sometimes countries come up with a great concept but forget the song. Here, the song is great but the concept is flawed. This needs to be edgy and full of personality; instead, it looks like it’s going to be four girls standing in a line singing. And that’s all. Shame.

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