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Line-up check 2019: Czech Republic

by | Apr 7, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Czech Republic

by | Apr 7, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Czech Republic: Lake Malawi – Friend Of A Friend

Martin: The Czechs are starting to get the hang of it, aren’t they? “Friend Of A Friend” has been flying under the radar a little, perhaps hindered by the lack of a televised national final – indeed, I bet on it for top ten way too early and got less good odds than I should have done – but I can imagine it starting to emerge as a miniature dark horse as the contest gets nearer.

Being different to the crowd isn’t always a positive at ESC (just ask Ethno-Jazz Band Iriao), but I think it can do Lake Malawi a favour. They came across as full of personality and bounce at the Ukrainian final, and they should be aiming for a similarly light-hearted and simple staging in Tel Aviv amidst all the glamour and props everyone else will be bringing. (Although if they can find room for a cheesy close-up on the “I’m only a friend” line, that could quickly become as legendary as the “Dance!” guy from “Wir geben ‘ne Party”.)

In a way, I see this and Slovenia as two of the beams you’d get if you fed “Kedvesem” through a prism. Zala and Gašper are the downbeat introverts, stubbornly creating their own world for three minutes and challenging you to get it, while Lake Malawi are the indie geeks having a brilliant time and not really caring if anyone else gets it. I hope there’s room in the final for both, but the Czechs have their noses in front for now.

Prediction: Personal:


Felix: Yep, I enjoy it, but only just about. There’s nothing about it that I love, but also nothing I hate. Average, but in the first semi-final of 2019, “average” is a good thing.

Shi: I want to like this, but it annoys me more every time I hear it. It’s now in my bottom five, so I’ve had to stop listening to it in an attempt to still be able to withstand it come rehearsals. However, they are adorable and I agree with Martin’s prediction, in spite of what having to hear it again after the semi will do for my nerves.

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