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Line-up check 2019: Montenegro

by | Apr 6, 2019

Line-up check 2019: Montenegro

by | Apr 6, 2019 | 2019 reviews, Eurovision

Montenegro: D mol – Heaven

Martin: Let’s be honest, this isn’t great. It’s a cheesy, it’s old-fashioned, and the people involved have clearly never heard the maxim that too many cooks spoil the broth. It’s three minutes of mangled English like “I got used to feeling naked, walking blind with hanging heart”, followed by seemingly endless repetitions of fallin’, heaven, catch, fallin’, heaven, fallin’.

It feels like a big night out at the Young Christians’ Summer Camp.

It’s such a song 2.

And yet, you know what? I… kind of love it. Or at least respect it, I suppose?

I mean, I’m an ESC fan. If you’re in this game and you can’t show a bit of appreciation for something so guileless, so shiny-teethed and innocent, so exactly and insistently aware of what it is, then what are you really doing here?

Bonus points if they bring the old dude from the video with them to Tel Aviv, although that’d mean dropping one of the singers, so I guess that’s not happening. This is going nowhere near the final, obviously – if it escapes the bottom three of the semi, it’s done well – but bless its little heart.

Prediction: Personal:


Shi: Well, at least those kids look like they will enjoy every second of the experience and really try their best. Sometimes this is all you can ask for. (No, I don’t feel the need to comment on the song.)

Felix: Ten years ago, I would have ignored this indeed “cheesy” and “old-fashioned” song, but this year, I am too glad there is at least something enjoyable in the bag, because most of the contemporary tracks aren’t my thing. I don’t love it, but what a relief it is in this line-up.

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