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A German in Lisbon: First impressions from the host city

by | May 4, 2018

A German in Lisbon: First impressions from the host city

by | May 4, 2018 | 2018 Lisbon Blog, escgo at Eurovision, Eurovision

Yesterday I talked about the German side of me. Today it’s time to remember that I am 1/16th Spanish too, so I’d better let my inner Iberian out while I’m here. Bom dia Lisboa!

I began this second full day in Lisbon with a short trip around the city with the hop-on-hop-off bus, and did not regret it. My first proper impression of Lisbon turned out to be a very good one. I’m really happy to be here (again, thank you very much for voting for Salvador Sobral!). However, I didn’t read up much about Lisbon before my arrival, so I am still very much unprepared. See, my southern genes do exist!

As I was travelling through the city, I was beginning to get a feeling for Lisbon, and noted down areas which I would like to pay an extra visit to. Bairro Alto, for example. Or Baairro Aalto, like I called it in our Instagram story earlier today.

I got off the bus at two stops, which gave me some time to walk around a bit. First at Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara, later at Portas do Sol, both being breathtaking viewpoints, as you can see:

Miradouro de São Pedro


Portas do Sol


Portas do Sol

What can I say? Lisbon has a very nice feel, I think I can taste it even without having eaten any local specialty so far. The light is miraculously bright, but not blinding. A really enjoyable, pleasant vibe, sehr angenehm as we say in German. It’s really hard to describe, you just have to feel it.

After a quick stop at my hotel, I am now – as I start to type this – in the shuttle bus to the arena, where I will follow the rehearsal of San Marino as my minimum “must do” Eurovision task for today. Robots.

Then I will also know where the shuttle buses leave from the venue, as I didn’t manage to find any information about this matter yesterday.

Update from the venue:

Now I know where the shuttle bus leaves: it’s behind the train station on the left-hand side (as seen from the walk from the arena), just in case you’re in Lisbon and had failed to find it too.

Romania just completed their second set of rehearsals. Vocally it was okay as far as I could tell here in the fan tent, but the staging… oh well. Now Serbia have taken to the stage to rehearse, so it’s time for me to get ready and get in place for the secret highlight of the day: San Marino! More about this – and other rehearsals – later today.

Love from the fan tent, Felix


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