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Line-up check 2018: Spain

by | Apr 25, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Spain

by | Apr 25, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Spain: Amaia & Alfred – Tu canción

Felix: Sweet, in most cases, equals tasty. Lovely. Heartwarming. Cute. Spain 2018? Now that’s a totally new kind of “sweet”.

Not long ago, after dark, milk and white, a new kind of chocolate was launched: Red chocolate. And while sweetness, for centuries, has been an admittedly unhealthy but exciting, addictive and positive experience, the kind of “sweet” that gets introduced to the planet with the Spanish entry in 2018 is so revolutionary that it knocks down the age-old concepts of taste. This radical new “sweet” manages to be narcotic yet lackluster and bland. It simply has no flavour. Crazy!

If you are on a diet and you long for donuts or muffins, just be grateful for the worldwide launch of this “new sweet” and watch the Spanish entry. The gustatory centre of your brain will be fooled and take it, and while your reward centre totally disagrees with what your gustatory centre thinks, the rest of your brain will decide it can’t be bothered with the bitch fight and respond with the only sane precaution in the circumstances: Sleep.




Oh, hi. What happened there? I appear to be craving donuts.

(Prediction: Bottom 10.)

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: Like so many sweet but nutritionally worthless products, I know I shouldn’t like this, but I do. Sorry not sorry. Alfred has a slappable face, but Amaia is endlessly lovely and there’s something about their puppy-love romance that makes the overall package work. But only for three minutes. I’m not sure I could manage a second portion at the end of the grand final.

Shi: I like this more than I initially did, which is probably the most positive thing I can say about it. I generally struggle with saccharine (and in this case, also Alfred), but Amaia is indeed lovely, and we know all too well that the audience can definitely go for saccharine. Add this to my “it’s going to do way better than it should, isn’t it?” list.

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