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Line-up check 2018: Our views on the automatic finalists

by | Apr 25, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Our views on the automatic finalists

by | Apr 25, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision, Featured

Have you been keeping up with our line-up check of the ESC 2018 entries? Each song is assigned to one of our team, and once they’ve had their say, the other team members get a brief right of reply. That way you get to see what we all think – and whether we share the same opinions or disagree wildly.

Anyway, don’t worry if you missed a post or two – we’ve already compiled our views on semi-final one and semi-final two, and below you’ll find an overview of what we had to say about the six automatic finalists. Simply click the country name to read the full review!

“Current and modern and, at the same time, so very French – and not just because of the language.”

“It’s hard to be excited when the performer doesn’t look like he particularly cares.”

“There’s not much happening, like in those movies where the main characters talk non-stop without any actual plot taking place.”

“Quiet, personal, introverted, feminine, unassuming, uncompromising.”

“So revolutionary that it knocks down the age-old concepts of taste.”

United Kingdom
“SuRie comes across as a radiant, almost beatific presence at the heart of this otherwise average entry.”

all images from

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