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Line-up check 2018: Italy

by | Apr 24, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Italy

by | Apr 24, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Italy: Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro – Non mi avete fatto niente

Felix: Italy and I don’t have any connection or relationship this year. This one, seriously, *shrug*. It just dabbles on and on, and gets quite exhausting after a minute.

There’s not much happening, like in those movies where the main characters talk non-stop without any actual plot taking place. Take When Harry Met Sally, for instance. Here it’s not Harry and Sally, it’s Ermal and Fabrizio. Talk talk talk. And just like that movie, this song does nothing for me.

I’ll make one exception though: the sound of the song is very warm and sunny, so it doesn’t leave me completely cold. But the simple fact is I won’t care whether this comes 5th or 25th.

Prediction: Personal:



Shi: This is actually my favorite this year, which says a lot considering I like very little. But I am also entirely aware that the song is such a “me” thing that there is no obvious connection between my level of loving it and how successful it will be at Eurovision. I’d love it to do well, I expect it to be somewhere mid-table, and I hope to be positively surprised.

Martin: I’m more with Shi than Felix on this one, I have to say – this isn’t my favourite but it’s comfortably nestled in my personal top ten. Where I do agree with Felix, though, is the exhaustion factor. I can imagine the European audience having difficulty connecting to what is essentially two men lecturing them incessantly about terrorism for three minutes.

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