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Line-up check 2018: Ukraine

by | Apr 19, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Ukraine

by | Apr 19, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Ukraine: Mélovin – Under The Ladder

Felix: Ukraine, now what’s up with this one? While I’m watching it, it’s a perfectly okay song. It’s captivating and driving, the performance is decent and memorable, and in general it’s actually quite an edgy entry, so that should be a good sign for Ukraine. But it isn’t.

Unfortunately, “Under The Ladder” has zero sustainability. It’s a sonic piece of soap. As soon as it’s over, it goes “plop!”… and Ukraine is lost in the bathwater. Maybe it’s too driving and pacy? Maybe the chorus lacks something? I don’t know what it is, but despite the ingredients being fine, the meal served up lacks nutrients.

That draw in a weak semi-final is the only good news for Ukraine, but as soon as they are in the final, it will become a tough game for them.

I certainly don’t dislike this one. But in the 2018 list of “entries I don’t dislike”, it’s probably my last place.  And there’s really nothing more to say about it.

Prediction: Personal:



Shi: It’s one of those entries that feel proper and competent but I’d be hard pressed to highlight a particular selling point, beyond feeling like some effort was put into it and that it’s performed by a professional. Although I suppose in the context of this semi-final those are the selling points of this.

Martin: I’m more positive overall (I think this can squeeze into the top 10), but I do share that feeling of enjoying Ukraine more while it’s happening than after the event. The “oh oh oh” section is ultra-catchy and he’s an appealing performer in an Asa-Butterfield-styled-as-a-high-school-goth kind of way, but the whole thing is weirdly transitory.

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