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Line-up check 2018: Montenegro

by | Apr 19, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Montenegro

by | Apr 19, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Montenegro: Vanja Radovanović – Inje


  1. Vanja Radovanović feat. Balkan Allstars – Lane moje zauvijek moja vukovi umiru sami lejla rijeka bez imena oro lijepa tena bistra voda verjamem nije ljubav stvar moj svijet (Inje) (The Ultimate Balkan Ballad Megamix Eurovision Version) [3:00]
  2. Vanja Radovanović feat. Balkan Allstars – Lane moje zauvijek moja vukovi umiru sami lejla rijeka bez imena oro lijepa tena bistra voda verjamem nije ljubav stvar moj svijet (Inje) (The Ultimate Balkan Ballad Megamix Karaoke Version) [3:00]


Prediction: Personal:



Martin: Haha, I totally get Shi’s point, and yet I have to disagree with her verdict because I really quite like “Inje”. OK, it’s not on a par with Montenegro’s other two qualifiers, but it’s clearly fishing in the same pond, and it may get enough votes to squeeze through just by dint of being a vaguely normal song in this semi-final line-up.

Felix: I preferred Montenegro last year. Otherwise, what both Shi and Martin said.

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