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Line-up check 2018: Malta

by | Apr 18, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Malta

by | Apr 18, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Malta: Christabelle – Taboo

Shi: Last week in the escgo! chatroom:

<Shi> alright, let’s check some Amsterdam performances
<Yamo> oh no, Malta…
<!MartinF> “oh no, Malta…” is my favourite kind of Malta

Two things:

  1. I didn’t check Malta’s video from Eurovision in Concert 2018.
  2. My favorite kind of Malta is Malta on mute.

To be fair, “Taboo” is not the worst Maltese Eurovision song ever, but much like the Sammarinese entry, it is entirely unnecessary.

Basically, if someone ever invented an online Eurovision song generator, this would be the result. It is as generic as humanly possible, although it tries (and fails) to hide behind claims of an actual message. (They might be very sincere about that message, but it’ll be impossible to pick up on unless you are inside Christabelle’s brain, and I’d really rather not be. No offense.) It also comes with a whole “look at us, we’re unique and special and conceptual” visual package which will do absolutely nothing to change the impression viewers will have of the song, i.e. none whatsoever.

But it’s Malta, it’s a line-up that has San Marino in it and it’s freaking semi 2 of ESC 2018, so it might still actually qualify by the various miracles of math.

Prediction: Personal:



Felix: My last place is yet to come in our line-up check, and still, thinking about Malta already fills my cells with negative energy. Do I have to write more? I CAN’T EVEN.

Martin: There are times when I feel like I might be warming to this song, and then I hear the lazy animals/criminals line and all goodwill flies out of the window. This is so Maltese, very much the cousin to Amber’s “Warrior”, and I assume it’ll fall just short of qualification in the same way.

video and title image source:

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