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Line-up check 2018: Latvia

by | Apr 18, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Latvia

by | Apr 18, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Latvia: Laura Rizzotto – Funny Girl

Martin: You’re looking at her. She’s looking at you. I’m list’nin to this. It’s not very good.

OK, that’s a bit unfair. “Funny Girl” is a perfectly okay song, and Laura Rizzotto is a perfectly okay singer. In fact, I’d go so far as to say she’s the best thing about the Latvian entry this year – she gives a measured and reasonably engaging performance that might well win people over to her cause, especially people who sit on a jury and have to find a way of ranking these songs in preference order.

But the fact remains that her cause is a middle-of-the-road song with relatively little to say for itself. It could qualify for the final, and threaten one of the automatic qualifiers for last place once it’s there. But would anyone really care?

What happened to that quirky, self-confident Latvia we briefly encountered when the Supernova concept was at its high point?

How would Rīgas Bebrs find anything to dance about here?

Come back, Latvia. We miss you.

Prediction: Personal:



Felix: It’s not okay, Martin. It’s not. This song is not okay.

Shi: I should relate to this.  I’m the eternal friendzoned funny girl and I should get the heartbreak of playing that role. The problem is that there’s nothing in the song or performance to suggest that Laura is really that “funny girl” type I know so well. Do some homework and try again, please.

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