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Line-up check 2018: Moldova

by | Apr 17, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Moldova

by | Apr 17, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Moldova: DoReDos – My Lucky Day

Shi: I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone to learn that, sometimes, writers write songs specifically for Eurovision. Songs that would never see the light of day (or the darkness of a record company drawer) without our beloved competition as an outlet. When it comes to the genre of ethnopop/trash/whatever you want to call it, this often means songs that sound like they would only get played in restaurants for tourists who think “hey, this must be what local music is”.

Well, Moldova this year is basically the tourist restaurant in musical form. It is all formula, zero sincerity, and should come with a Eurovision cliché trigger warning.

The problem with clichés, though, is that they become clichés precisely by being effective more often than not. And for those bravely making their way through the second semi-final this year, this will come as three minutes of everything they love about Eurovision.

DoReDos’ Israel Calling performance also had some resemblance to that of their countrymen from last year – extremely professional, extremely likable and relatable. So they could yet turn those clichés into a decent result.

(Me hating both the Romanian and Moldovan Eurovision entries, though? My Romanian/Moldovan grandmother will be turning in her grave. Sorry!)

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: Yeah, this does feel like the poor relation to last year’s entry in a way, but one that can still do well enough. It’s beyond tacky and I can’t get on with it personally, but in this semi-final, it probably qualifies the moment that catchy instrumental riff kicks in.

Felix: I find Moldova rather charming and entertaining, but also quite repetitive after two minutes. But at least there’s the hat in the video. I love that hat. Where can I buy it? I hope they bring it to the stage! Lovable little entry, but seriously nothing to vote for.

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