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Line-up check 2018: Denmark

by | Apr 16, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Denmark

by | Apr 16, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Denmark: Rasmussen – Higher Ground

Felix: Denmark often plays the role of the bullied kid at Eurovision. Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is hardly ever the preferred show if it coincides with other national finals, and Eurovision fans often complain about the lack of depth and emotions in Danish entries. A kind of cult has built up around “Denmark being bad” to the point that I wonder whether Denmark could do anything, whether it’s Loreen singing a new “Suus” or Bebi Dol doing a country song, and people would still automatically think: Denmark = bad, always.

This year, surprise surprise, things aren’t any different. “Higher Ground” sounds indeed a bit flat, constructed and soulless, but is it really that bad? No. It’s just poor little Denmark, so it gets the hate.

Seriously, I don’t know what fan people have against this one. It’s not excellent, but it is one of the most instant, melodic, memorable songs in the 2018 line-up. As the serious little brother of “Wolves of the Sea”, it embodies the theatrical soul of Eurovision and fits the “All Aboard!” theme like no other entry. Non-fans will like it better than Eurovision nerds do, and hence it will do much better than what fans want to believe: Contender for the top 5 on Saturday.

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: Denmark always bad, but in this case, Denmark = bad. I can enjoy constructed and soulless if it’s delivered with a bit of life and energy, but this is just so flat and limp. I get that it’s about a pacifist Viking so they’re hardly going to charge around with swords, but a hint of passion would be nice. (Good key change though.)

Shi: I could have gotten behind this contrived attempt at Vikingness if I at least remotely believed that Rasmussen remotely believes in what he is doing. But honestly, whenever I watch this I think the main reason for his crappy vocals is that he is trying to concentrate on both singing and keeping a straight face.

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