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Line-up check 2018: Romania

by | Apr 14, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Romania

by | Apr 14, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision | 1 comment

Romania: The Humans – Goodbye

Shi: One day I will be able to recall how the Romanian entry sounds. Come May and the rehearsals, probably. I will go even as far as saying that if I try really hard to watch all the rehearsal footage from everyone, I might, just might, be able to hum this. Not today, though.

The irony about this is that whenever I do hear “Goodbye”, the entire first section sounds like a different and way more familiar song, but I don’t have a memory of what that is either. All I know is what we have here is three minutes that pass in relative professionalism but with very little to take away from it.

Romania has a perfect qualification record, though, and they need to be worse than boring to not qualify – especially in the second semi-final, where having something that resembles a song and performing it in tune might be enough to make it through. Anyhow, imagine my emoji yawning. I think that pretty much covers it.

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: See, I’m actually quite fond of this song. It takes far too long to get going, but when it does, it packs a decent punch. Plus there’s a distinct audience for that whole trope of “glamorous 80s-esque rock chick fronting a band of blokes”. I can actually see this not only qualifying but going mid-table in the final.

Felix: These three minutes are nice, but as soon as they are over, the music that filled these three minutes becomes irrelevant. Still, one of the more pleasant entries in the 2018 line-up.

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1 Comment

  1. DavidG

    So agree with Shi on everything. Was playing this the other day and didn´t remember which entry it was til it got halfway through!

1 Comment

  1. DavidG

    So agree with Shi on everything. Was playing this the other day and didn´t remember which entry it was til it got halfway through!

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