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Line-up check 2018: Norway

by | Apr 13, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Norway

by | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision | 1 comment

Norway: Alexander Rybak – That’s How You Write A Song

Martin: Step one: Size up your task, and wonder what to do.
Step two: Just find some words. That’s how you write a review.

No, but seriously. How do you review a song like Norway 2018? Alexander Rybak was already a polarising character within the world of Eurovision fandom even before he decided to return to the competition, with the kind of stage presence – and face – that seem specially designed to rub some people up the wrong way. (I freely admit I’m one of those people.) And that’s before we even get to the grinning cheesefest that is his entry this year.

The main problem I have with “That’s How You Write A Song” is that it does not describe how to write a song. I mean, seriously. If you’re going to give your song that title in the first place, the least you can do is deliver on your promise.

The second problem I have with “That’s How You Write A Song” is it’s really bloody irritating.

The third and final problem I have with “That’s How You Write A Song” is that it’s ludicrously, infectiously catchy, Rybak is a brilliant performer and it’s going to do really, really well in this year’s contest.


Prediction: Personal:



Shi: What Martin said.

Felix: What Shi said.

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  1. Dimivision

    What y’all said! Loving the reviews, as always!

1 Comment

  1. Dimivision

    What y’all said! Loving the reviews, as always!

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