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Line-up check 2018: Lithuania

by | Apr 5, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Lithuania

by | Apr 5, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Lithuania: Ieva Zasimauskaitė – When We’re Old

Felix: Lithuania is an odd one. At first listen, I found it nice, at second listen, I found it too boring and dull. But now I’ve fallen in love with the song. All it needed was having it as an earworm on a very sad day, and bang, I suddenly noticed that this rather unremarkable song actually managed to comfort me when everything else failed to.

This has quickly and unexpectedly turned into one of those entries that I have established a personal connection with, which makes it hard – or maybe impossible – for me to judge it. But being brutally honest, I still doubt it will qualify. Even from a better starting position, it would struggle, but coming right before Israel is going to seal Lithuania’s fate. So sorry.

Prediction: Personal:



Shi: It is nice. It’s also boring. It’s probably one of those things that work in certain moods and/or certain draws. Draws it absolutely won’t work in? The one they got. Lithuania tumbai.

Martin: I find it pretty sweet and adorable while it’s on, but it leaves no lasting impression on me beyond that. She sang a line or two in Lithuanian in the national final and it sounded lovely. Since they’re doomed anyway, why not ditch the English altogether?

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