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Line-up check 2018: Czech Republic

by | Apr 5, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Czech Republic

by | Apr 5, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Czech Republic: Mikolas Josef – Lie To Me

Shi: It’s sometimes hard to remember that, in Eurovision, you’re only as good as your current entry. Enter Czech Republic and the unthinkable: They can do well this year. Really well. I mean, “top 5 in the final” well, not just “qualifying in 9th place in the semi” well.

They’re ticking all the right boxes. It’s upbeat and current. He can actually perform it, which should make him popular with juries and televoters alike. He’s good-looking, so that’s teenage girls with smartphones sorted. He is somehow likable despite pulling the otherwise-obnoxious hot nerdy look, so he’s also got the mom/aunt/grandma vote. The lyrics have been toned down to a reasonable amount of “eew”, to the point of probably not posing a risk.

My only problem is that I don’t like it very much, but it should be said that that’s due to personal taste, not because I think the song isn’t good, which is a crucial difference. Now if we really want to follow in the footsteps of the top 3 last year and show that any country can do well at ESC given the right song and effort, we only need to hope someone in the Czech delegation has learned the importance of close-up shots.

Prediction: Personal:



Felix: Erm, there’s also the gay vote, Shi! Mikolas is lucky to have one of those entries that capture you straight away, but gets weaker with every further listen. It’s not a grower, it’s a shrinker… but you don’t win Eurovision with growers. Whereas shrinkers have won the contest before.

Martin: Yes, I can see that – I’m not sure the song stands up to extended scrutiny, but as a slice of current pop with a silly hook, it does its job very well. It’s been usurped a little in that category by Israel, but it should still give the Czechs a decent result.

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