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Line-up check 2018: Belgium

by | Apr 5, 2018

Line-up check 2018: Belgium

by | Apr 5, 2018 | 2018 reviews, Eurovision

Belgium: Sennek – A Matter Of Time

Felix: When it comes to Belgium, I struggle to find words other than “James” and “Bond”. At least, that’s what I heard about the song from fellow fans before I heard it myself for the first time. As such, my expectations weren’t high, but at least they were met.

The problem is I can’t tell whether I like the Belgian song or not. It’s just so forgettable. For what it’s worth, my notes say “6/10”, so it must be on the borderline between “meh” and actively “like”. But when I try to remember the song without listening to it, it could just as well be Croatia. For more memorable entries, you’ll need to look elsewhere, unless you happen to be obsessed with 007 soundalikes. And as for Sennek… well, she will need a top-tier performance in order to qualify.

Prediction: Personal:



Martin: I struggle a bit with the structure of this one. It builds really nicely, then – to my mind – destroys a lot of its momentum with the jerky “echoes, echoes” of the chorus. I’m also not convinced she’s as engaging a performer as some of Belgium’s recent representatives.

Shi: I like this a lot, but it’s definitely in the “something I’ll listen to regardless” category, which means nothing in terms of its ESC chances. Otherwise, like Felix wrote, it will need the performance and atmosphere to be just right for this to work. Good luck with that, VRT.

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